9 August 2023, Szeged, 47.98km
Horthy Csonakház 5,000Ft [R271]
Cooking a simple meal at the campsite outdoor kitchen on the Tisa river in Szeged…
Around 80 percent of our 50km day was spent on a tarred cycle path that paralleled our chosen, and the most logical, route into the provincial capital (thanks, Petrus) of Szeged. Despite running out of data on the outskirts of the city, I managed to guide us both to our campsite on the Tisa river without any fuss or bother. Mainly because I had spent a pedantic 30 minutes or so studying the map earlier in the day and also because the route here was simple.
On the sections where we had to cycle the narrow secondary road, we were glad the nearby motorway, also headed for the city, bled most of the traffic away. One of the cars that was not lured by the motorway was a tiny navy blue Lyra, a micro-car. Having slowed behind us, it found it difficult to regain sufficient speed to overtake us. Its top speed is governed at 40kph. For a long time after it managed to pass us, I felt that with a little more effort I could easily catch up to it. The ultimate tjorrie.
In town, we stumbled upon a charming square below an unusually attractive water tower built in 1904. The coffee shop on the square made it impossible to resist a cappuccino, beer and shared chocolate cheesecake.
Our campsite is managed from a barge on the river. It has a bar and a restaurant. Also the loos and showers are based there. We'll be here a few days while we get ourselves sorted for the next leg of our journey.
P.S. Some of the towns through which we passed had wondrous floral displays on their sidewalks.

Kiskunmajsa to Szeged

Kiskunmajsa to Szeged

Kiskunmajsa to Szeged

Kiskunmajsa to Szeged

Kiskunmajsa to Szeged

Kiskunmajsa to Szeged

Kiskunmajsa to Szeged
