Three display cabinets filled with ice cream! My choice of a scoop each of mixed berry and citron only partially mitigate the news that the Romanian consul is on leave until the 17th! Only one consul (on leave), and one other dude in the office who claims not to know anything.
Plan A
We remain in Szeged until the Romanian consul gets back from his holiday on the 17th and hope he grants us a visa. If he does, we have until the 26th to depart Schengen Europe - enough time to enter Romania further north as originally planned.
Plan B
If he says no, we have nine days to either obtain a visa for Serbia (we would have to return to Budapest to do so and don't think this is feasible), OR...
We began today to check which countries allow visa-free entry to South Africans and discovered that Kosovo does so. In theory, we could use the nine days remaining on our Schengen visa to cross Serbia into Kosovo, gaining breathing space to decide what next.
Plan C
Get a train to Budapest and fly somewhere new and unexpected...
Szeged is very cycle friendly and our campsite only 2.5km from the city centre. We pottered aimlessly this morning. Hope you enjoy what we saw.

Ice cream, Szeged

Ice cream, Szeged

Ice cream, Szeged








