5 July, Malatya
Öğretmenevi 80TL (breakfast included)
Three buses reunited us with our bikes and
panniers left in safe-keeping at the Malatya Öğretmenevi, a government hotel associated with teacher colleges. If you
order “Nescafe” at a çay evi (tea house), hot water is added to a ready-mix of
coffee, powdered milk and sugar and served in a small glass. While we sat drinking
our Nescafe in Divriği this morning, the fire engine trundled past our pavement
seating, pulled up at a public garden nearby, and a fireman jumped out and
watered the plants. Very practical, we thought, and good practice. Between Divriği
and Kangal, we saw several bee farms hired out to local farmers to pollinate their
fields and orchards, the box hives placed on the hillsides in their dozens. And
again on the local buses we were amused at the unexpected and isolated spots at
which people awaited the bus and at which people and supplies were offloaded.
We have heard passengers phoning ahead, giving their current location and presumably
arranging for a family member to pick them up at their requested stop. Enjoyed
again the stunning scenery between Divriği and Malatya. Back on the bikes




Between Kangal and Malatya

Between Kangal and Malatya

Between Kangal and Malatya

Between Kangal and Malatya