6 July, Malatya to
Doğanşehir, 58km
Öğretmenevi 30TL (down from 50TL)
We had been assured there was a hotel in Doğanşehir, but this has in fact closed down. We are ensconced, therefore,
in yet another Öğretmenevi, this one more of a doss-house for men than a formal
hotel. We have been given a three-bed dorm, which I think the manager said we
could have to ourselves. We are a little unsure about this as there are clothes
in a plastic bag beside one of the beds and a toothbrush on the windowsill. None
of the beds have been freshly made; on all the duvets have simply been flung
back by the previous occupant and left as is. When I tried with sign language
to persuade the manager to change the bedding, he shrugged, but later reduced
the room price from 50TL to 30TL, more realistic given the room condition and
the shared cold shower. On the plus side, I have a key to the single female squat
loo, which is unused and clean. Charl will share this with me. Not mad about
squat loos when my knees ache from cycling, but clean is good. We had not
planned to be in Doğanşehir at all, but in Çelikhan. Our route there took us
through the very pretty village of Yeşilyurt, hidden and sleepy in its valley
southeast of Malatya. Our enquiries about the road out to Çelikhan elicited
such a strong response from the çay evi (tea house) clientele, that we were
persuaded by them to take the longer, flatter route to Adiyaman, our next major
destination. “Problem, problem”, they cried, showing steep inclines with their
hands, “bisiklet problem!” Again with their hands they showed the road via Doğanşehir
as being flat, and yes, some sections were indeed flat!

Between Malatya and Doğanşehir

Doğanşehir - buying spokes for Charl's bike