4 July, Divriği
Otel Ninni 60TL (negotiated down from 70TL)
Divriği is home to a Unesco World Heritage
site, the Great Mosque and Hospital, built between 1228 and 1243. It is the
carvings around the entrances to the mosque and hospital that demand your
attention and admiration. According to the brochure: “Another unique aspect of
this monument is that though the decorative sculptures seem symmetrical when viewed
from a distance, they are in fact asymmetrical consisting of tens of thousands
of distinct designs, none of which are repeated. Its architectural style and
the balanced and harmonial decoration and vaulting have placed it high on the
list of the world’s great monuments. Centuries ago Evliya Çelebi expressed his
despair at finding words adequate to describe this enchanting monument by
saying, “Tongues are mute, pencils are broken”.

Divriği - Unesco World Heritage site

Divriği - Unesco World Heritage site

Divriği - Unesco World Heritage site

Divriği - Unesco World Heritage site

Divriği - Unesco World Heritage site