13 May, Çanakkale
Koç Pansiyon 70TL (negotiated down from 88TL)
It was a wan and wistful day for us. The pills prescribed
for Charl had enabled him to sleep long and hard, but getting out of bed and
getting ready for the day was a slog. We decided to take a bus to Çanakkale, a
bigger, more touristed town, where we hoped to find out more about Charl’s
injuries from an English-speaking doctor. But first I had to retrieve our
passports, held by the hospital as I could not draw sufficient cash yesterday to
pay the bill and they would not take a credit card. Luckily both the hotel and
bus station accepted Mastercard … From the bus, retracing our pre-fall steps,
we identified the scene of Charl’s accident, and then stared wistfully out the
window at beautiful long sweeping downhills that dropped to the sea through
lovely hills… We had no cash left for the taxi from the bus station to our pansiyon,
but our host-to-be paid the man in our stead. I am Gulliver in our Lilliputian
bathroom, all of which could fit with ease into our shower back home.