12 May, Biga to ... Biga, 27km @ 12kph
Köşdere 95TL (breakfast included)
Charl is fine, but had a nasty fall 20km
outside Biga. We think he got a puncture on a downhill which resulted in him
losing control of the bike. He hit his head hard enough to knock himself out
briefly. I was quite far ahead of him and did not see the accident, but three
young men stopped to assist him and one of them called an ambulance. Charl
chose to pedal on and caught me walking up a long hill. He said quite calmly,
"Stop for a minute" and when I turned to look at him I was shocked to
see half his face covered in blood. The ambulance arrived shortly thereafter
and took Charl back to the hospital at Biga for scans, x-rays, stitches,
bandaging and five hours of observation. The paramedics had called the police
before leaving me and the bikes on the roadside. The jandarma transported me
and mine to Biga. Then, while Charl dozed in a dingy room, it was a back and
forth day for me, trying to make sense of the limited English of the hospital
staff, and trying to arrange a cash payment bigger than that I am allowed to
draw on a daily basis from the ATM. In the end I brought Charl back to the
hotel for a good night's sleep. So ...
not good news, but we are happy with the quality of care received and with the
many kindnesses shown to us.

Between Biga and Lapseki

Between Biga and Lapseki