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Every hundred feet the world changes - Roberto Bolaño

1 May 2019, Khoi Khoi Guest House to Khorab Safari Lodge, 43,2km
Khorab Safari Lodge N$600

We were reluctant to leave our super guest house, so chilled and breakfasted late and only got on the road at 10:40. We had a short run of 43km to our next stop, 3km shy of Otavi, arriving at Khorab around 13:00. It was hot-ish and windy-ish, but the terrain easy.
Lots of bush, growing low. From the crest of a bridge over the railway, we could see for miles over the tops of the bushes. As we cycled, the hills in the distance in front of us drew slowly closer, tomorrow’s climbing beckoning us.
At a garage on the B1, a rare occurrence, was a bar where we purchased something cold to drink and chatted briefly to four French tourists. On the same site was a small market selling sour milk from barrels, and dried meat. Unfortunately the the salesmen wanted an exorbitant N$50 for a photograph, so I have nothing to show for our brief visit.
At lunch on the lodge stoep, we met and chatted to an ex-Koevoet soldier, a 75-year old who had spent five years in jail for manslaughter, having killed a man during an argument over a property sale. He called himself a “murderer”, though we wondered whether that was for effect, or because of guilt. Sadly, but perhaps not surprisingly, he was not only racist, but willing to be so in front of the staff, which made us extremely uncomfortable.
We had booked a campsite, but having negotiated a lower price for a room, we settled yet again for a bed instead of a mattress.

For today's route see below photos
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Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khoi Khoi to Khorab Safari Lodge
Khorab Safari Lodge
Khorab Safari Lodge
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