7 March 2023, Sidi Rahal, 16.3km
Beau Sejour R606.41 [DH344]
Just 16km done to the next
dorpie, Sidi Rahal. A short ride that felt long. This time we booked accommodation in advance, so knew exactly where we would end the day, but it should be illegal to have a 4pm check-in to an apartment three flights up!
An uninspiring ride, mainly along the R320. Enlivened by calls of "South Africa" and "Bon voyage, madame" and a tea break at a garage restaurant. (The garage also offered a prayer room.) I love the tea pouring ritual. A long finger of sugar is added to the pot of tea which is then poured from on high into a small glass and the glass contents returned to the teapot, three times. This steeps the tea and mixes in the sugar.

En route Sidi Rahal

En route Sidi Rahal