While we are looking for the antidote or the medicine to cure us, that is, the 'new', which can only be found by plunging deep into the Unknown, we have to go on exploring sex, books, and travel, although we know that they lead us to the abyss, which, as it happens, is the only place where the antidote can be found. - Roberto Bolaño
6 December 2019, Salala to Kingsville, 63.8km
Empire Motel 1,000L$ (R77)
WhatsApp: Sweaty and unhappy 30km shy of Monrovia. We are without cash, the Ecobank in Ganta being cashless and the one in Kakata having closed down. We have made it to a cheap motel, too tired to travel further today into the afternoon sun. Shared bathroom, no elec until 5pm, no fan, window onto the disco, tepid drinks. Should be a restful Friday night... We hope when the manager arrives later he will advance us cash. Charl will then take a taxi to the city in the morning, draw cash and refund on his return... Here people use a kissing sound to attract your attention. The same sound is used in SA casinos. It carries, yet is not obtrusive. Now that I am attuned to it, I can turn and greet the source.
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Salala to Kingsville

Salala to Kingsville

Salala to Kingsville

Salala to Kingsville

Salala to Kingsville