It sounds so far away and different. I like different places. I like any places that isn't here. - Edna Ferber
5 December 2019, Gbatala to Salala, 53.6km
Dream Lodge 3,000L$ + 1,000L$ electricity (R308)
WhatsApp: How wonderful is this? Finger painting African style. Managed about 50km this morning. Again having to pay extra for elec in our hot box of a room - tonight only, so sitting outside under a palm tree this afternoon. A major downside to limited elec is we seldom get something COLD to drink. You would think communication in an English-speaking country would be easy, but many people here literally swallow their words. Some swallow half so that "guest house" becomes "gue hou". To this your ear can become attuned. Others, however, sound as if they have a serious speech impediment and are literally INCOMPREHENSIBLE. Blanca, who survived almost two years biking Africa, just four days from the UK and home, was knocked off her bike in France and had to have surgery on a broken wrist. Thinking of you, Blanca.
How outrageous is this poster? Tapping into ignorance and superstition and fear to promote a first world elitist agenda that serves only to further impoverish the poor. Any suggestions on how to lodge a complaint with the funders? We've seen a couple of them on the road between Ganta and Salala.
For today's route see below photos
For overview route, click on ROUTE tab aboveā¦

Gbatala to Salala

Gbatala to Salala

Gbatala to Salala

Gbatala to Salala

OUTRAGEOUS misinformation

Gbatala to Salala

Gbatala to Salala

Gbatala to Salala

Gbatala to Salala

Gbatala to Salala