22 September 2023, Gërlica, 39.62km
Motel Harea 20€ [R400]
Back on the bikes today and 40km done to Gërlica.
42 days have passed since our visa quest began in Szeged, Hungary, on August 10. We have cycled a grand total of five days in that period: the abortive run to the Serbian border and back to Szeged; crossing into Serbia at a different border and another two days to Novi Sad; then, following a bus ride to Mitrovica, the run to Pristina.
Today's was not a particularly pleasant ride, despite the easy terrain. Once out of the city centre, past familiar locations, we spent several kms on a multi-lane highway, the traffic volume made manageable by a short section of badly-maintained cycle path, then a wide, safe shoulder. Beyond the Pristina Mall, on the edge of the city, the highway split into two, the left-hand (eastern) road running south to Skopje in North Macedonia.
Though the city seemed to have officially ended, industrial and commercial enterprises essentially lined the road all the way to Gërlica. Some pockets of enterprise were attached to towns that spread themselves beyond the ribbon of the road.
Once we left Pristina, the highway narrowed and the shoulder fell away. So we spent the day on a busy, narrow road, focusing intensely on holding our line.
We passed endless furniture outlets and places selling granite tops and wondered if these were indicative of a growing economy with new homes and apartments requiring filling. There certainly is enough construction taking place to support this theory.
We are spending the night in Motel Harea which has seen better days. Interestingly, motels here offer guests a garage, so our bikes are parked indoors below our room.
Our host has a greenhouse of organic vegetables. He insisted on giving us a gigantic cucumber, two large tomatoes, two chillies and a handful of strawberries. We drew a line at the onions. Charl made us a delicious salad from the fresh produce. When his wife and daughter return from work, he wants us to join the family for coffee as they speak English which he does not.
Tomorrow should be an easy run, but there are mountains in our near future.

Pristina to Gerlica

Pristina to Gerlica

Pristina to Gerlica