I had a desire to see something besides my own shores, if only to be content to return to them someday. If I wish to live in my native land and love her, it should not be out of ignorance. - Margaret George, Mary Queen of Scotland and The Isles
24 November 2019, Daloa to Zoukougbeu, 49.8km
Hotel Residentiel 15,000XOF (R375)
Aside from Charl falling off his bike, we had a great day. The shorter distance suits us better, simply less tiring, and there were no roadworks and little dust, AND the skies were predominantly cloudy. The narrow road resembled a country lane, sometimes running between green hedging dotted with yellow and lilac flowers. It was also badly potholed. Many of the potholes have been prepared for fixing, you know, the tar cut into a square around the original hole. Others have been left to take their course, spreading in erratic fashion. Some were deep enough to catapult us over our handlebars had we hit them. It is, of course, easier for bikes to manouever between and through potholes, though care must be exercised. Four-wheel vehicles have more wheels to worry about. Either they dodge and weave, trying to maintain their speed. Or they brake sharply to bump through the holes with minimum damage. When weaving they may end up driving toward you on your side of the road, an extra thing to worry about.
It was a pothole that felled Charl. Avoiding it, he cycled onto the narrow dirt verge and as he tried to gain the road edge again, his tyre, hard from recent pumping, slipped on sand and down he went. He lost some skin off his shin and forearm, not too serious, but has some chest pain, hopefully from bruised ribs rather than torn cartilage.
Charl had seen our hotel marked on Google Maps, something which surprised us given the size of the town. What surprised us even more, is the quality of the room and en suite bathroom. There’s even a loo seat, attached and everything! And an attached restaurant, which we hope will serve us something tasty for dinner.
For today's route see below photos
For overview route, click on ROUTE tab above…

Daloa to Zoukougbeu

Daloa to Zoukougbeu

Daloa to Zoukougbeu

Daloa to Zoukougbeu

Daloa to Zoukougbeu

Daloa to Zoukougbeu