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1 December, Tuan Giao to Muong Giang, 35km (+16km by mistake)
Ngoc Son Trang Guest House 250,000VND

We were seated outside a village store enjoying a snack when a woman pulled up on a scooter to buy a soda. The moment she saw me she came and stood next to me and began stroking and squeezing my arms, shoulders, back, breasts and belly, all the while discussing me with the store owner and sundry others. She quite clearly did not expect a negative response from me, treating me much as she would a juicy Xmas turkey. When she was done, I gestured with a laugh that she had not tested my thighs for size and she immediately made good on this omission. As we were preparing to depart a woman appeared from somewhere out back. She made a sound of awe and glee when she saw me and hurried over to lift my breasts in her hands, tug open the front of my shirt and peer in the top. Having had similar experiences in the past I choose not to take offence, but it is very strange behaviour... We realised early in the day that we were not going to make our planned distance of 80km, the fairly regular 10% inclines slowing me to a walk, heart knocking on the door of my ribcage. The route markers indicated a town at around the half-way mark, so we hoped we would find sanctuary there even though it was not marked on my map. So optimistic were we that we took our time, soaking in the glorious scenery populated with villagers as sure-footed and light-hearted as mountain goats. So optimistic were we that we cycled past biggish Muong Giang, thinking to put in an additional 10km while the day was still young. But the town was nowhere to be found, drowned, we believe, in the waters of a (recently?) built dam... So back we came to Muong Giang...     

Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Between Tuan Giao and Muong Giang
Muong Giang
Muong Giang
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