7 June, Pamukkale to Acipayam, 40km + 28km by bus
Saray Hotel 70TL (breakfast included)
(negotiated down from 90TL)
Despite Charl having FOUR punctures, we
had a lovely day – mainly because we cheated and took a bus from Denizli to
Serinhisar, a 20km climb with the latter town 1km higher than the former. We
cycled the bits at either end: Pamukkale to Denizli, and Serinhisar to
Acipayam. Having conquered the pass, the bus dropped us in a wide, high, flat
valley, dotted with trees and ringed by hills shadowed by clouds. The big buses
travelling between relatively major centres, can accommodate bikes in the
luggage compartment, but will not make unscheduled stops. Mid-size buses might
take bikes on the back seat. Drivers of mini-buses reasonably shrug and say,
“Problem”. At first today we were told we could not be accommodated on any bus,
but we just stood around looking by turns helpless and optimistic and
eventually we were put on a mid-size bus and dropped where we asked. Additional
generosity today: at the bike shop where Charl went to top up on spare tubes,
the guys insisted he drink a glass of wine with them; as did two armed military
men at a neighbouring table at our hotel restaurant, who also bought us
dessert. Subsequent diners sent over a bowl of fresh cherries! Our hotel room
here is painted bright yellow and pink, and the furniture and curtains are

Denizli - lawn-mowing day

Denizli - lawn-mowing day

Between Serinhisar and Acipayam


Dessert from neighbouring diners