30 May, Tire to Selçuk, 56km @ 12.6kph
Barim Pension 60TL
(breakfast included)
are in fruit country; peaches and pomegranates. Our route here was painted with
pink oleander, lavender hollyhocks, clotted-cream wild carrot and shock yellow mullein.
Dogs ... I am always anxious about dogs when on the bike. Here, dozing dogs
ignore us completely. Those at play on occasion dash at us, yelping their
disdain. I have taken to stopping my bike and asking “wotz up?” At which point
they either slink away tail firmly tucked, or abase themselves, bums in the
air, creeping forward with doggy grin to say a humble hello. Many businesses
keep a guard dog chained on the premises. These, having disregarded vehicular
and pedestrian traffic, rush out at us, barking. As they reach the end of their
chain, we are reassured by the ka-chunk sound. Today for the first time I was
really frightened when a dog clearly intent on ripping Charl from his bike ran
at him. I screamed Charl’s name and he immediately dismounted putting the bike
between himself and his attacker, at which point the dog came to an abrupt
halt, and turned away pretending we were not there at all!

Between Tire and Selçuk

Between Tire and Selçuk

Between Tire and Selçuk

Between Tire and Selçuk

Between Tire and Selçuk (love Turkey's garages)