21 May, Edremit to Ayvalik, 48km @ 13.7kph
Kydonia Hotel 70TL
(negotiated down from 90TL)
there are hills to left and right, the road from Edremit to Ayvalik climbs only
two or three manageable spurs between them. It runs essentially flat and smooth
for the bulk of the distance, but includes also long stretches on gentle
declines – always a pleasure to cycle. One’s average speed is a product of many
things, primarily fitness and terrain. Other factors: road and tyre texture, weather
(especially wind), traffic, towns that lie in your path, pannier weight, fear
or futzing... We did the first 15km in 45 minutes, then took a leisurely detour
to the coast and pottered back to the 550 through an olive grove, thus reducing
our total average substantially on this good day. We lunched on vegetable soup
and succulent roast chicken at a garage restaurant. We had repeatedly asked “how
much?” before making our careful selection. Our host, offering us complimentary
tea and coffee after our meal, made sure we understood it was free by saying: “No
‘how much?’”

Between Edremit and Ayvalik

Our Ayvalik hotel