31 May 2023, La Chullera, 36.34km
Camping La Bella Vista €31 [R627]
It looks nice, but the truth is we can't afford it!
Charl and I have in general travelled in developing countries ie countries where we can afford to stay in a budget hotel and eat almost all our meals out. Though we have increased our daily budget a little for Europe, leaving nothing from our disposable income for emergencies, it is simply not enough to command these niceties. Unless we can find a way to cut accommodation costs, we may need to opt for another continent!
Today we had a run-in with two motorcycle traffic cops who not entirely unexpectedly took exception to the fact that we were cycling on the autovia. We had chosen to do so as the cycle route to our destination was longer and considerably hillier. Prohibido, prohibido, said the older of the two, holding his forearms in the shape of an X toward us. So upset was he, that he found a gap in the fence between the highway and the service road and insisted we unpack the bikes and manhandle them, the panniers and ourselves over the crash barrier, down a steep decline into the drainage ditch, under the fence and back up the other side. On the plus side, he did not fine us! It seems we can ride on national roads which look and feel much like motorways, but not on autovias.
We took our final photographs of Morocco, the UK and Spain all in one; we lost each other in the late afternoon but both made the sensible decision to proceed to our chosen accommodation where we are camping for the first time in years; and we took a chilly dip in the Mediterranean.

La Linea de la Concepcion to Playa de la Duquesa

Gibraltar en route Playa de la Duquesa

Removed from the autovia

La Linea de la Concepcion to Playa de la Duquesa

La Linea de la Concepcion to Playa de la Duquesa

Playa de la Duquesa

Playa de la Duquesa

Playa de la Duquesa

Playa de la Duquesa

Playa de la Duquesa

Playa de la Duquesa