29 March - 1 April 2023, Marrakech, 2.79km
Rooftop Riad R372.39 [DH206]
Yesterday, a vague case of dis-ease caused me to ask our hostess if we could spend an extra night. Unfortunately she had another booking for tonight so said no. We decided we would get on the road, therefore, but in the night my dis-ease coalesced into something that is not entirely sick, but also not entirely well. So we made a booking elsewhere that appealingly offered early check-in and are therefore in Marrakech for another two nights. (Thanks to those who sensibly advised being sensible.)
We are so thrilled to have stayed. We like our room which has all the comforts of an en suite as opposed to a loo shared with a family. It was not the sharing per se that I found stressful, but the utter lack of privacy. Going to the loo, with its hole in the wall that opened almost into the family's sitting room, was enough to induce constipation!
Our new hotel is just outside the west wall of the medina, forcing us to explore both a new section of the medina itself, and this delightful suburb, which is quieter, more attractive and less "made-in-China".
For dinner just a block away, we tried a tangia. Like a tagine, a tangia is a meal (mainly meat in spices) cooked in a clay pot/oven (see the very different shape from a tagine in the photo below). A tangia is known as a "bachelor's stew". Rather than cooking the meat at home, a tangia would be brought by men to the hammam (public bathhouse) and cooked in the ashes of the fire used to heat the bathhouse water, presumably while they bathed. Cool!
I finally emerged from my sick bed this morning, summoning the energy for breakfast nearby and a stroll through the market. Then back to bed for a nap.
... Then Charl spotted something from our bathroom window and insisted I accompany him to the rooftop terrace for a look-see. And there they were, visible for the first time since we arrived in Marrakech a week ago - the Atlas mountains, still carrying snow on their peaks. They are almost an illusion, so zoom in to confirm.
He just scared me back to bed!