Traveling-to-a-place energy and living-in-a-place energy are two fundamentally different energies. - Elizabeth Gilbert
20-21 November 2019, Yamoussoukro
Holidays Hotel 15,000XOF (R375)
We had planned just one lazy day in Yakro (Yamoussoukro). We vegged out on YouTube videos, and dined out at Restaurant la Brise. There we met and chatted to Board and Hilde, Scandinavians travelling west Africa in a vehicle, with adventurous tales of living in Mauritania 20 years ago, of sailing across the Atlantic to Newfoundland in a 27-foot yacht, and attending a traditional polo match in Pakistan.
On the 21st, we breakfasted and packed and got on the road. Within 1km, we were in trouble. My ratchet packed up, making the bike un-cycleable. We pushed both bikes through the streets until we tracked down a “velo reparation” and spent the next several hours there while my Shimano ratchet was changed and spokes replaced and reset. By then it was 11:30, and really too late to set out on a 70km ride. So we checked back into the Holidays Hotel…
Yakro, birthplace of Houphouet-Boigny, is the official capital of Ivory Coast, though Abidjan is its economic hub.

Yamoussoukro basilica




Yamoussoukro - President's Hotel

Yamoussoukro - bicycle workshop

Yamoussoukro - bicycle workshop