How you live your life is up to you. You have to go out and grab the world by the horns. Rope it before it ties you down and decides for you. - Sarah Reijonen
28 November 2019, Danane, IVORY COAST to Kpantiaplay, LIBERIA, 33.4km
No-name Hotel 2,000L$ (R154)
Having cycled through Danane and across the river, we turned left at an unsignposted dirt road, checking first with a policeman sitting at the intersection that it was the correct road to Liberia. A dirt road in pretty rough condition winding through a very rural Ivory Coast. Some bad potholes, water-filled, and many very steep short inclines, the road being entirely ungraded. Here the weight of the bikes pressed heavily on our hands and arms and shoulders. On one short incline, we met some people walking. Seeing me struggle, the young woman, a baby strapped to her back, handed her bucket to the man and offered to push my bike. I declined, but as usual was struck by the generosity and kindness of those we encounter.
The villages are poor, huts constructed of framing and mud with palm-thatch roofs. It is quiet and tranquil in these hamlets, many we assume having gone to town for the day. We were pleased to be able to purchase drinks at a couple of places, though not cold, and dough balls from outside a shop for a breakfast snack.
So essentially we pottered to the border, where we were recorded and stamped out without any problems. Goodbye Ivory Coast.
Punctures 6
Bribes paid 0 (0 requested)
Cycle tourers met 0
Total kms 912.9
For today's route see below photos
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Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border

Danane to border