Here was something I already knew to be true about myself: Just as there are some wives who will occasionally need a break from their husbands in order to visit a spa for the weekend with their girlfriends, I will always be the sort of wife who occasionally needs a break from her husband in order to visit Cambodia. Just for a few days! - Elizabeth Gilbert
4 November 2019, Abura Dinkwa to Elmina (via Cape Coast), 45km
Akomapa Guest House 70GHC (R200)
WhatsApp: This morning we cycled 30km to the Cape Coast castle built by the Brits to manage their trade in gold and slaves. The inhumanity of the treatment of captive Africans is incomprehensible, even if slavery was the norm for much of human history. Was interested to see in the museum a balanced view of the impact of Europeans on Africa. No negatives about Nkrumah on a poster though near the fort entrance - all hero apparently. Then rode on to Elmina along a lovely stretch of road. Will spend two nights here.
For today's route see below photos
For overview route, click on ROUTE tab aboveā¦

Leaving Abura Dunkwa

Cape Coast

Cape Coast

Cape Coast

Cape Coast castle

Cape Coast castle

Cape Coast castle

Cape Coast castle

Cape Coast castle

Cape Coast castle

Cape Coast to Elmina

Cape Coast to Elmina

Elmina castle