26-29 October 2023, Plovdiv
Pai Hostel 40lev [R400]
Plovdiv is mad about murals...
"Plovdiv's *Roman Stadium* was an ancient sports arena built in the 2nd century AD city [then named] Philippopolis...
At 240 metres long and 50 metres wide, the impressive stadium could seat up to 30,000 spectators and the track length was one stadion. The seats in 14 rows were constructed of solid marble...
In the central arena, games that demonstrated athletics and equestrian skills were held.
Plovdiv’s stadium was unearthed in 1932, restored in the 1970s and excavations continued into the 21st century..."
Only some of the stadium has been excavated. What makes it incredibly special is that it is visible and visitable within the normal fabric of the city. A portion of Roman road is part of the exhibit.
The floor mosaics uncovered and restored and displayed on the site of the *Bishop's Basilica* are extraordinary. Two levels were discovered, the lower floor dating from the post-pagan era, the floor constructed over it from the early Christian era. The top layer was removed and reconstructed on the second floor of the wonderful museum built over the site.
"The 4th century mosaics of the first layer in the basilica are geometrical. Those in the central nave, which are the oldest, are monochrome. They depict large geometrical wave patterns and rosetta designs. The mosaics in the northern and southern naves are newer, a genuine explosion of colors and forms. Their intricate ornaments create a three-dimensional optical illusion where rosettas intertwine with garlands and opulent crosses stand next to circles full of varied colors.
The 5th century mosaics of the second layer combined geometrical designs with the Bishop's Basilica hallmark, birds. The middle panel of the central nave contains over 100 birds of various kinds and species. The middle panels of the two side naves contain the Spring of Life scene.
The geometrical designs in the first layer of mosaics testify to the artistic challenges faced by a society in transition from paganism to Christianity. The new religion still sought its own artistic language - and borrowed from the pagan heritage. This is why meanders, rosettas and еndless knots appeared on the mosaic floors of the Bishop’s Basilica. Significantly, among them was already featured the main symbol of Christianity, the cross.
The second layer indicates that Christianity had already found its own symbolic language. The dozens of birds on the floor epitomize the Garden of Eden. The peacocks represent even stronger symbolism: they suggest the immortality of the soul. This is perhaps why a peacock with an opulent, multicolored train was placed at the main entrance to the basilica. The Spring of Life scenes are also imbued with connotations. The fountain symbolizes Jesus and the idea that whoever drinks from it will attain eternal life."
Scenes from the brand new Orthodox Church of Saint Archangels...
"The *Roman theatre* is one of the world's best-preserved ancient Roman theatres, located in the city center of modern Plovdiv, Bulgaria, once the ancient city of Philippopolis. It was constructed in the 1st century AD, probably during the reign of Domitian. The theatre can host between 5,000 and 7,000 spectators and it is currently in use."
In search of appealing storefronts…
The decorative lights in this district are linked to a local hospital. They pulsate every time a child is born to celebrate life.
Vending machines offer a variety of goodies from coffee to honey to slippers.
Utility boxes are being decorated by artists in Sofia as well as Plovdiv.


















Roman stadium, Plovdiv

Roman stadium, Plovdiv

Bishop's Basilica, Plovdiv

Bishop's Basilica, Plovdiv

Bishop's Basilica, Plovdiv


Orthodox Church of Saint Archangels, Plovdiv

Orthodox Church of Saint Archangels, Plovdiv

Orthodox Church of Saint Archangels, Plovdiv

Orthodox Church of Saint Archangels, Plovdiv

Roman theatre, Plovdiv

Roman theatre, Plovdiv

Roman theatre, Plovdiv




