22 July, Mardin to Midyat, 65km
Öğretmenevi 60TL
It rained yesterday afternoon, which cooled
the air and settled the dust and made today a good one weatherwise, cloudy and
cooler than it has been for ages, a major plus in hilly terrain. We are looking
forward to the end of Ramazan, which, as we travel further east, is impacting
us more than it has before. Garage and small shops remain open, so we can
always buy snacks, but fewer restaurants are open for breakfast or lunch. Today
none are open, even in this town of over 100,000. Our hunger drove us from our
room to a small supermarket from which we returned with a strange selection of
foodstuffs chosen mainly for the size of the tin or packet. In the privacy of
our room we have just devoured tinned corn and tuna and half a chicken salami.
I carry a small notebook with me for recording our daily expenses. Today I used
the last page, prompting us to shop for another. In the stationery store, three
men sat chatting at the till. They refused to take payment for the notebook – a
kindness to strangers. Charl dropped a couple of coins into a charity tin on
the counter, resulting in huge grins and the classic hand to heart gesture we
encounter so often in Turkey

Between Mardin and Midyat

Between Mardin and Midyat