8 May, Bursa to Karacabey, 71km
Toru 75TL
and power ... I spent much of today contemplating these contradictions inherent
in the human body. We had entered Bursa from the east on the D200; today we departed
to the west on this same busy arterial. The first 25km were predominantly flat
or slightly downhill, but along this particularly hectic distance there was no
shoulder. Despite the obvious care taken by the drivers to our left, I was very
conscious of what a speeding vehicle could do to the human body. For the
remainder of the day, however, the D200 grew marginally quieter and sprouted a
wonderfully wide shoulder. And as it climbed long inclines mild and manageable,
and gave us many fantastic downhill runs, I was aware of the latent power in my
legs and the fact that today I did not need to lower myself with an infinite
tenderness into my saddle! We breakfasted on meatballs and lunched on lentil
soup; lost and found Charl’s flag and mended our first puncture. A good day.

Between Bursa and Karacabey

Karacabey - the man