27 June, Göreme to
Kayseri, 85km
Hotel Arin 70TL (negotiated down from 80TL)
Have I mentioned that Turkey is hilly? We
had to walk only one segment of the many hills encountered today and that a
short, sharp section on the outskirts of Göreme. Vehicles passing us were either groaning as they chugged up the
hill behind us, or applying air brakes as they descended cautiously toward us,
moving as slowly as their upward-bound compatriots. Mount Erciyes
played hide-n-seek with us throughout this long day. Invisible from the
Cappadocia valley, she initially showed herself as we climbed a long hill, so
pale in the sun-glare of mid-morning we were not sure she was there at all. The
snow still trapped below her 3,916m summit seemed to mock us as we sweated in
the hot hills below. And when we arrived in Kayseri, there she was just 25km
south of the city. Roadworks swept us past a shorter route into the city
centre, forcing us round and down and along and up, up, up ... adding 10 unwelcome
km to our route. Walking home after dinner tonight we met a man who had been to
Jo’burg and who insisted we sit down outside his furniture shop and tell him
our story. When Charl said we were cycling, his disbelief that I was cycling too
was so blatant, he stopped a passing youngster, ordered him from his bike and
demanded I demonstrate my ability to ride! Oh ... have I mentioned that Turkey is hilly?

Leaving Göreme

Leaving Göreme

Between Göreme and Kayseri

Between Göreme and Kayseri - Mount Erciyes

Between Göreme and Kayseri - Mount Erciyes