2 June, Selçuk to Aydin, 58km
Şekir Palas Otel 50TL
night after lights out I heard an ominous rustling amongst the plastic bags
next to my bed. I awakened Charl whose duty it is to evict critters from our
rooms. Charl believes there are two types of people in the world: those who
find a bug in the bath and wash it down the plughole; those who find a bug in
the bath and rescue it. He falls into the latter group, passionately. We
switched on the light and discovered the tiniest frog, perhaps 5cm in length
and so lightweight it was perched precariously on the very edge of the plastic
shopping bag containing our clean undies. Just as we spotted him, he tumbled
headlong into our socks and underpants ... making it easy for Charl to take him
outside and set him free. A few days ago we encountered not one but two
tortoises, around 2km apart, both halfway across the lane on our side of the
road, both in deadly danger. On both occasions I held Charl’s bike while he
picked the tortoise up and trundled it to safety.

Selçuk storks - mateless single peering into nest with three chicks

Between Selçuk and Aydin