2011 Biking Rajasthan
From Jaisalmer we cycled south to Shiv
(pronounced Shoe) (110km), to find they would not accommodate us in the
Government Rest House I had read about on the internet. We were finally
accommodated in someone's home, where I slept on a table (OK, OK ... a bed that
looked and felt like a table). We were fed by the family, who later ate their
own dinner on the kitchen floor in shifts delineated by gender. The following
day we cycled a secondary road, getting only as far as Phalsoond (77km)
(instead of the planned Shergarh) as much of the 77km was on a very slight
incline into a very slight head wind – exhausting. We took several chai (tea) breaks
in several small villages where most people had clearly never seen a tourist
before. At each stop we were surrounded by locals, staring and commenting on
our bicycles. In one village I was literally encircled by over 70 boys and men
– I counted them. In another, the boys became so rowdy, our host chased them
away by spattering them with hot oil from his sieve! By the time we reached
Phalsoond, we were feeling pretty shattered and no longer found the excessive
attention fun. Particularly as one of the onlookers was a little loony, took a
dislike to the South African flag fluttering from the back of Charl's bike,
ripped it from its rod and dashed it to the ground, resulting (almost) in an
international incident! This was our second incident involving a loon. The
first, in Jaipur on our very first day, grabbed the back of my bike and would
not let it go. He was a holy man dressed in white with an orange mark on his
forehead. I was reluctant to yell at him and was at a bit of a loss, when I was
rescued by a local on a scooter who gave the man a severe talking to and
apologised profusely to me. Charl, unaware, had cycled on ... when my scooter
Samaritan reached Charl, he told him I had been delayed by a crazy man, but
that I was on my way! So... in Phalsoond we called it a day (no accommodation
there or in Shergarh) and arranged a lift to Jodhpur. In India, if you are willing to pay,
all things are possible!

En route Shiv

En route Shiv


Shiv home stay

Shiv home stay

En route Phalsoond

En route Phalsoond

En route Phalsoond

Hotel Juna Mahal, Jodhpur

Hotel Juna Mahal, Jodhpur