2001 Biking South Africa
Day 06, Thursday, June 21 (dad’s birthday)
3km before Rust de Winter to
Bronkhorstspruit (Sizanani
87.9km @ 14kph
Today’s first 50km took us lonely and quiet
through bush. With now and then some curious cattle staring at us through a
fence, and once a warthog family trotting busily away with tails held high. And
a sign reading: Poachers will be shot; survivors will be persecuted (sic – or
maybe not?). Past Kwamhlanga where kids run down dusty streets chasing wheel
rims with a stick; and women in woollen caps wheel wood home in a barrow. Then
onto the considerably busier R568, R513 and R25 to Sizanani Village.
Where we were welcomed by kids from the home we had come to visit. Happy in
their wheelchairs in the late afternoon sun on this the day of the eclipse.
We didn’t know how far we had to travel
today as we were cycling back roads with no distances marked on our map. This
made us somewhat anxious as we had agreed to be at Sizanani by 3pm.
We cycled past fields of cotton (with lots
of cotton lying on the side of the road) through a relatively flat area with
game farms. (Last night we could hear jackals howling, and we were awoken this
morning by cocks crowing.)
The “border” to Gauteng was marked by the Vergenoeg Mining
Company Pty Ltd and a river that not only had actual water, but was filled with
water lilies complete with a little bird walking on top of the leaves.
There were several long climbs today –
taking us up onto the highveld – some of which we had to walk being tired from
yesterday. But is was the most beautiful day. A golden day filled with golden
grass, bushveld and kudu-type buck.
I have discovered that my colour dictionary
is very limited and I am finding it hard to describe all the colours one can
see in the veld: a myriad browns, greens, creams, pinks.
Here’s an odd phenomenon: when high on one
hill and dropping down, the next hill looks so much steeper than it actually is
once you get there (thank goodness).
Lots of climbing, but also some nice
downhill runs, one of which sticks in my mind – about 2km at about 30kph, a
long amble, and lovely.
We passed at one point through part of a
vast sprawling township, and crossed the main Pretoria road onto a dirt road. A woman at
the local shop told Charl he would need a gun to proceed! We caused quite a
stir in town. Took some photos – including one of a young man who said we
should take his photo to show how he suffers.
We did not know how long the dirt stretch
would be, but it was not too bad and I survived it. And just before reaching
our destination, we stopped to observe the eclipse.
Oh, my painful bum. Do not try cycling on
blisters! It is not much fun.
Andre and Lieve drove out from Jo’burg to
take us to dinner (it is dad’s birthday) at a super restaurant. A lovely
evening – good company and excellent food.

En route Bronkhorstspruit

En route Bronkhorstspruit

En route Bronkhorstspruit