1985/7 Japan
I lived and worked in Japan October 1985 into March 1986, and again October 1986 into March 1987
These are the (mainly hand-written) letters I wrote home to my parents...
17 October 1985
17.10.85; received 22.10.85
Greetings from Japan!
I’ve bought a
camera and travelled on the Tokyo
trains at rush hour and tried sushi (raw fish) and been to a five-hour Kabuki
play and met several foreigners. And today I plan to find some ‘permanent’
accommodation and a job. (One girl I met was being paid $20 per hour in Tokyo teaching English).
And next week I’m going to a big festival at one of the shrines here in Kyoto.
I flew from San Francisco to Vancouver
last Friday and spent the night at the airport. Left Vancouver
at 1pm on Saturday and arrived exhausted in Tokyo at 3:30pm on Sunday after a ten hour
I spent two
nights and one day in Tokyo.
Rush hour on the trains is incredible. At first I thought it might be a
gropers’ paradise, but nobody can move their hands they are so tightly packed.
And at every station you are buffeted by streams of people getting on and off.
I spent $440 on
camera equipment. Got a NIKON FG, a zoom lens 80mm-210mm, and a wide-angle 28mm
lens. I am terribly excited about having a decent camera at last. Especially
now that I have finally made it to Japan/Asia.
Kabuki theatre
is quite fascinating. It is a traditional art form dating back several
centuries. There are no women actors allowed – so men play both roles.
Wonderful costumes and make-up and stage effects and music. I had nothing with
which to compare this kind of acting, but the Japanese audience seemed very
appreciative so I guess it was a good performance. You can hire English
language tapes which explain the plot and some of the symbolism as you go
along. The performance lasted five hours. At interval I was surprised to see
everyone getting out little lunch boxes and chopsticks and eating in the
theatre. The Japanese prepare and display and package their food beautifully. I
tried some raw tuna yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by its taste. It was
served wrapped in sweet rice and seaweed. The rice they serve here is very sticky
– making it easier to eat with chopsticks.
In Tokyo I stayed in Okubo
House which was situated down a really narrow alley near the station. Despite
its location I felt perfectly safe. My room was the size of a very short double
bed. My 5’10” roommate had a little trouble sleeping. My head touched one wall
and my feet the other! The house was equipped with a Turkish type bath. As is
this one here. And you have to get used to removing your shoes and lowering
your voice as the walls are literally paper thin.
[I’ve just had
an interview. I will be working on Saturday and Sunday – helping at a Sanyo
campaign. For $45 per day plus transport and food. A nice little start to my
working experience here. If I can find two other girls to join me I will be
paid an additional Finder’s Fee!]
Spent yesterday
with three Americans. We went to a craft centre to watch a woman weaving a silk
OBI (the ‘belt’ for kimonos), a man painting vases with 24kt gold dust, another
man painting silk screens, potters and dollmakers and damascene workers. Quite
I’m going to
the post office soon to try and give you a call!
Take care.
Please write.
PS Please send
my mail (carefully PRINT): Poste Restante, Central Post Office, Kyoto, Japan
[Until further notice] Tah!
Kabuki (postcard)